Enhancing the PopOS Launcher with GPT Search Capabilities
This guide explores the process of integrating a GPT search plugin with the PopOS Launcher for quick and easy access.
At 4am, a thought crosses your mind:
I really wish I had a GPT search just a click away...
Well, guess what? You can!
Seriously? But how?
With a dash of digital wizardry and some hands-on tinkering
Step 1: Obtain an API Key from OpenAI
vist OpenAI and generate your unique API Key.
Step 2: Install Python on Your System
Run the following command to install Python 3:
sudo apt install python3
Step 3: Install revChatGPT Package Using pip
Upgrade revChatGPT package using pip with the following command:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade revChatGPT
Alternatively, You can download the source code from the GitHub page
Step 4: Verify Your Configuration
python3 -m revChatGPT.V3 --api_key <your_new_api_key>
Step 5: Craft a Chatbot
Open a new file chat.py in your .local/bin directory and input the following script. Remember to replace the api_key variable with your API key:
nano ~/.local/bin/chat.py
Here's the Python script:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import atexit
import os
import sys
import traceback
from revChatGPT.V3 import Chatbot
PID_FILE = '/tmp/chat.pid'
def delete_pid_file():
if os.path.isfile(PID_FILE):
if os.path.isfile(PID_FILE):
print(f"{PID_FILE} already exists.")
with open(PID_FILE, 'w') as f:
IN_FIFO = '/tmp/in_fifo'
OUT_FIFO = '/tmp/out_fifo'
# Ensure the IN_FIFO exists
if not os.path.exists(IN_FIFO):
# Ensure the OUT_FIFO exists
if not os.path.exists(OUT_FIFO):
def chat_daemon():
api_key = "<your_api_key>"
chatbot = Chatbot(api_key=api_key, engine="gpt-3.5-turbo",
system_prompt="You're a Tea expert, respond accordingly.")
with open(IN_FIFO, 'r') as in_fifo:
with open(OUT_FIFO, 'w') as out_fifo:
while True:
query = in_fifo.readline().strip()
if query: # Only ask the chatbot if query is not empty
response = chatbot.ask(query)
out_fifo.write(response + '\n')
out_fifo.flush() # Ensure the response gets written immediately
except Exception as e:
out_fifo.write('ERROR: ' + str(e) + '\n')
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
Step 6: Give Your Script Executable Permissions
Grant executable permissions to the script by using the following command:
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/chat.py
Step 7: Create a Fork of the WIP Search Plugin for the Launcher
Either clone the existing fork of the plugin that I have created here, or create a new one from the original PopOS Launcher repository here:
git clone https://github.com/canadaduane/launcher.git && cd launcher
If you cloned my fork, skip to step 9
Step 8: Switch to the 'search-plugin' Branch and Update:
git checkout search-plugin && git pull origin search-plugin && git fetch
Step 9: Build release version & install search feature
Note this assumes you have a rust development environment already setup, if not here is a short guide on setting one up
To build and install the search feature, use the following command:
just build-release ; just plugins="search" install
cd plugins/src/search
Step 10: Implement Our New Search Plugin Functionality
Define the configuration for your search plugin. Note: the top rule is mandatory.
cat <<'EOF' > config.ron
rules: [
pattern: StartsWithKeyword(["f", "find"]),
action: (
query_command: "fdfind --ignore-case --full-path $KEYWORD1",
output_captures: "^(.+)/([^/]+)$",
result_name: "$CAPTURE2",
result_desc: "$CAPTURE1",
run_command: "xdg-open '$OUTPUT'",
pattern: StartsWith(["="]),
split: Regex("^="),
action: (
query_command: "qalc -u8 -set 'maxdeci 9' -t $KEYWORD1",
result_name: "$KEYWORD1",
result_desc: "$OUTPUT",
run_command: "/bin/bash -c 'wl-copy \"$OUTPUT\" && notify-send \"Copied to clipboard\"'",
pattern: StartsWithKeyword(["ls"]),
action: (
query_command: "ls -1 $KEYWORD1",
result_name: "File",
result_desc: "hi $OUTPUT",
run_command: "xdg-open '$KEYWORD1/$OUTPUT'"
pattern: StartsWithKeyword(["apt"]),
action: (
query_command: "apt list $KEYWORD1",
output_captures: "^([^/]+)/(.+)$",
result_name: "$CAPTURE1",
result_desc: "$CAPTURE2",
run_command: "notify-send '$OUTPUT'",
pattern: StartsWithKeyword(["ps"]),
action: (
query_command: "/bin/bash -c 'ps --sort=-pcpu -axo pid,ucmd,pcpu | head -10'",
output_captures: "^\\s+([0-9]+)\\s+(.*)$",
result_name: "${CAPTURE2}",
result_desc: "${CAPTURE1}",
run_command: "notify-send '$OUTPUT'",
pattern: StartsWithKeyword(["drives"]),
action: (
query_command: "lsblk -lno NAME,SIZE,MOUNTPOINTS",
run_command: "notify-send '$OUTPUT'",
Step 11: Navigate Back to the Root Directory
Use this command to go back to the root directory:
cd ../../..
Step 12: Rebuild the Release Version & Reinstall Search Feature
Build the release version and reinstall the search feature using this command:
just build-release ; just plugins="search" install
Step 13: Usage
Super Key
& then type !gpt What is the meaning of life?
If you want to watch the chatbot's responses in real-time, you can use the following command in a separate terminal window:
watch -n 1 'cat /tmp/chat.log'
Step 14: Enjoy!
Congratulations! You have successfully integrated the GPT search plugin with the PopOS Launcher. Enjoy the convenience and magic of GPT search at a press of a button.
Git Links: python daemon && launcher fork