QR Code Generator Usage Guide
A guide on the various ways to use and setup the QR Code Generator Service
Automatic Lets-Encrypt Production Certificates & HTTPS Servers Setup
docker-primary@ubuntu:~/QRGen$ ./install.sh
Welcome to the QR Code Generator setup script!
1) Run Setup 6) Update Project
2) Run Mock Configuration 7) Stop Project Docker Containers
3) Uninstall 8) Prune All Docker Builds - Dangerous
4) Reload/Refresh 9) Quit
5) Dump logs
# Select 1)
Selected port 8080 is available.
1: Install minimal release (frontend QR generation) (Limited features)
2: Install full release (frontend QR generator and backend API/server side generation) (All features)
Please enter your choice (1/2): 2
Would you like to disable Docker build caching for this run? (yes/no):
Would you like to specify a domain name other than the default (http://localhost) (yes/no)?
Enter your domain name (e.g., example.com): qr-gen.net
Using custom domain name: http://qr-gen.net
Would you like to specify a subdomain other than the default (none) (yes/no)?
Enter your subdomain name (e.g., www): void
Using custom subdomain: http://void.qr-gen.net
1: Use Let's Encrypt SSL
2: Use self-signed SSL certificates
3: Do not enable SSL
Please enter your choice (1/2/3): 1
1: Run automatic staging setup for Let's Encrypt SSL (Recommended for testing)
2: Run automatic production setup for Let's Encrypt SSL (Recommended for production)
3: Run custom setup for Let's Encrypt SSL
Please enter your choice (1/2/3): 2
NGINX configuration written to /home/docker-primary/QRGen/nginx.conf
Bringing down existing Docker Compose services...
Generating self-signed certificates for qr-gen.net...
/home/docker-primary/QRGen/certs/live/qr-gen.net already exists.
/home/docker-primary/QRGen/certs/dhparam already exists.
Do you want to regenerate the certificates in /home/docker-primary/QRGen/certs/live/qr-gen.net? [y/N]: y
Self-signed certificates for qr-gen.net generated at /home/docker-primary/QRGen/certs/live/qr-gen.net.
1: Use 2048-bit DH parameters (Faster)
2: Use 4096-bit DH parameters (More secure)
Please enter your choice (1/2): 2
Generate a Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange parameters file with 4096 bits...
Generating DH parameters, 4096 bit long safe prime
Custom Lets-Encrypt Production Certificates & HTTPS Servers Setup (Full Install)
Port 8080 is already in use.
Please provide an alternate port or Ctrl+C to exit: 8081
Selected port 8081 is available.
1: Install minimal release (frontend QR generation) (Limited features)
2: Install full release (frontend QR generator and backend API/server side generation) (All features)
Please enter your choice (1/2): 2
Would you like to disable Docker build caching for this run? (yes/no):
Would you like to specify a domain name other than the default (http://localhost) (yes/no)?
Enter your domain name (e.g., example.com): qr-gen.net
Using custom domain name: http://qr-gen.net
Would you like to specify a subdomain other than the default (none) (yes/no)?
Enter your subdomain name (e.g., www): void
Using custom subdomain: http://void.qr-gen.net
1: Use Let's Encrypt SSL
2: Use self-signed SSL certificates
3: Do not enable SSL
Please enter your choice (1/2/3): 1
1: Run automatic staging setup for Let's Encrypt SSL (Recommended for testing)
2: Run automatic production setup for Let's Encrypt SSL (Recommended for production)
3: Run custom setup for Let's Encrypt SSL
Please enter your choice (1/2/3): 3
Please enter your Let's Encrypt email or type 'skip' to skip: skip
Would you like to use a production SSL certificate? (yes/no):
Would you like to use a dry run? (yes/no):
Would you like to force current certificate renewal? (yes/no):
Would you like to automatically renew your SSL certificate? (yes/no):
Would you like to enable HSTS? (yes/no):
Would you like to enable OCSP Stapling? (yes/no):
Would you like to enable Must Staple? (yes/no):
Would you like to enable Strict Permissions? (yes/no):
Would you like to enable UIR (Unique Identifier for Revocation)? (yes/no):
Would you like to overwrite self-signed certificates? (yes/no):
Would you like to enable TLSv1.3? (yes/no) (Recommended):
Would you like to enable TLSv1.2? (yes/no):
Please enter your choice (1/2): 2
Generate a Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange parameters file with 4096 bits...
Generating DH parameters, 4096 bit long safe prime
Other Usage
For http only, localhost (frontend/in-browser qr generation)
1: Install minimal release (frontend QR generation) (Limited features)
2: Install full release (frontend QR generator and backend API/server side generation) (All features)
Please enter your choice (1/2): 1
Would you like to disable Docker build caching for this run? (yes/no):
Would you like to specify a domain name other than the default (http://localhost) (yes/no)?
Using default domain name: localhost
Would you like to enable self-signed certificates? (yes/no):
For self-signed https only, localhost (backend/server-side qr generation)
Port 8080 is already in use.
Please provide an alternate port or Ctrl+C to exit: 8081
Selected port 8081 is available.
1: Install minimal release (frontend QR generation) (Limited features)
2: Install full release (frontend QR generator and backend API/server side generation) (All features)
Please enter your choice (1/2): 2
Would you like to disable Docker build caching for this run? (yes/no):
Would you like to specify a domain name other than the default (http://localhost) (yes/no)?
Using default domain name: localhost
Would you like to enable self-signed certificates? (yes/no):
For DH parameter generation - select the option that best suits you
Self-signed certificates for localhost generated at /home/docker-primary/QRGen/certs/live/localhost.
1: Use 2048-bit DH parameters (Faster)
2: Use 4096-bit DH parameters (More secure)
Please enter your choice (1/2): 1
Generate a Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange parameters file with 2048 bits...
Generating DH parameters, 2048 bit long safe prime
docker-primary@ubuntu:~/QRGen$ ./install.sh
Welcome to the QR Code Generator setup script!
1) Run Setup 6) Update Project
2) Run Mock Configuration 7) Stop Project Docker Containers
3) Uninstall 8) Prune All Docker Builds - Dangerous
4) Reload/Refresh 9) Quit
5) Dump logs
# Select 6)
No local changes to save
remote: Enumerating objects: 241, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (241/241), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (133/133), done.
remote: Total 241 (delta 106), reused 218 (delta 93), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (241/241), 48.64 KiB | 3.04 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (106/106), completed with 21 local objects.
From https://github.com/error-try-again/QRGen
477e3a5..8ef7a51 main -> origin/main
* [new branch] error-try-again-patch-1 -> origin/error-try-again-patch-1
* [new branch] legacy-frontend-only -> origin/legacy-frontend-only
* [new branch] legacy-full-release -> origin/legacy-full-release
* [new branch] submodule-support -> origin/submodule-support
Updating 477e3a5..8ef7a51
Thanks for using the QR Code Generator setup script!
Stop Containers
docker-primary@ubuntu:~/QRGen$ ./install.sh
Welcome to the QR Code Generator setup script!
1) Run Setup 6) Update Project
2) Run Mock Configuration 7) Stop Project Docker Containers
3) Uninstall 8) Prune All Docker Builds - Dangerous
4) Reload/Refresh 9) Quit
5) Dump logs
# Select 7)
Ensuring Docker environment variables are set...
Set DOCKER_HOST to unix:///run/user/1000/docker.sock
Stopping containers using docker-compose...
[+] Running 5/5
✔ Container qrgen-certbot-1 Removed 0.0s
✔ Container qrgen-frontend-1 Removed 0.6s
✔ Container qrgen-backend-1 Removed 10.3s
✔ Network qrgen_default Removed 0.3s
✔ Network qrgen_qrgen Removed 0.5s
Thanks for using the QR Code Generator setup script!
Prune containers
Welcome to the QR Code Generator setup script!
1) Run Setup 6) Update Project
2) Run Mock Configuration 7) Stop Project Docker Containers
3) Uninstall 8) Prune All Docker Builds - Dangerous
4) Reload/Refresh 9) Quit
5) Dump logs
# Select 8)
Ensuring Docker environment variables are set...
Set DOCKER_HOST to unix:///run/user/1000/docker.sock
Identifying and purging Docker resources associated with 'qrgen'...
No 'qrgen' containers found.
Removing 'qrgen' images...
Untagged: qrgen-certbot:latest
Deleted: sha256:27274e67793b51028a72c51eb36c691eb690d1cc8eb544889a4417081cb6976c
Untagged: qrgen-frontend:latest
Deleted: sha256:087f9ead639be4602c155f1898697da569f44cbf2666e92c5d6ac581202fc860
Untagged: qrgen-backend:latest
Deleted: sha256:df2bc734be1ec8b8eac6f1febc842bedf5997a6f4b4aa3cee79a99dddc11b8a2
Removing 'qrgen' volumes...
No 'qrgen' networks found.
Thanks for using the QR Code Generator setup script!