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Yane ✖ Karov

  • Automate AWS SES Identity Creation Process /w BYODKIM

    Cause why not eh?


    A recent project got me thinking about how I could make the identity creation process even easier. This is basically that. The following script simply seeks to create a new email identity with DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) signing enabled. Configuring email identities in Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) can minimize the risk of errors when deploying complex configurations, which in my case is any configuration after 2 am.


    • AWS CLI installed and configured
    • OpenSSL for key generation


    Modify the local domain value to the value of your domain, the private key size (from 2048) if needed, and the selector to whatever you need. Make it executable, and run the gibson.

    © 2024 Yane ✖ Karov